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Clementine Orange Aero trifles


  1. Prepare a fruit-infused jelly base.
  2. Layer the banana Custard yoghurt on top.
  3. Whisk the Greek Yoghurt with the contents of the white chocolate pouch.
  4. Grate the indulgent orange bubbly chocolate.


  1. Opt for fresh and juicy clementines to maximize the citrus flavor. Choose ones that are easy to peel for a quicker preparation process.
  2.  For a refreshing experience, chill the yoghurts and fruits before assembling the trifles. The cool temperature adds a delightful touch to each spoonful.
  3. Add a crunch element by incorporating a layer of crushed biscuits or granola between the fruity jelly and creamy yoghurt layers. This introduces a pleasant textural contrast.
  4.  Tailor the recipe to meet your dietary preferences by adjusting the syn values. You can explore alternative sweeteners or reduce the quantity of higher syn items to create a lighter version without compromising on taste.

